why cat is cleaning himself violently?

by Brian

last week i noticed my cat cleaning himself very violently. i inspected him and didn't see any fleas...seems like when i go to pet him on the rear part of his back...hes very sensesitve to me touching back there? any help would be nice?

Answer by Kate
definitely sounds like he has either got some parasite problem or perhaps an allergy. this violent cleaning is a desperate attempt to stop whatever it is from causing his pain or discomfort from itching.

My advice would be to definitely take him to see a vet to have the area checked out for a parasite or skin allergy.

here are a few pages which you may find of further interest



Hope the vet can sort him out soon and make him feel better. My old cat had a similar problem and it was terrible watching her trying to get away from the itch.

best wishes Kate

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Psycogenetic lick
by: Anonymous

We have a cat that began to lick violently one day and it got so bad that he had actually licked all his fur off his hind quarters, took him to the vet and discovered that the introduction of my sisters dog, as well as a very agressive cat we had was the cause of the problem

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