why does my cat keep licking her bum and she is soooo restless

My cat Martha keeps on licking her bum and she keeps walking around and its getting on my nerves. she licks it more that five times a day , please can i have some advise

There are several possibilities.

either she is in heat or has recently been mated.

Or she may have worms


Or she has some other irritant in that area, fleas and other skin mites like to gather in these areas.

Best wishes kate

Comments for why does my cat keep licking her bum and she is soooo restless

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licking her bum
by: cat mom to 4 felinesAnonymous

My cat was doing the same and it was her anal glands--she needed to go to the vet to get them "emptied". Easy fix and she felt SO much better after.

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