will blood come out for some time even after cat died
by lakshmi
my 1 year old female cat which i was keeping indoors excaped through the window at night.she was spayed 2 months back.i found her dead in front of house in the morning.i brought her in.her toungue was sticking out sideways a little.thee was no injury of any kind outside,but for some time blood a little was coming from mouth ,no blood can be seen from outside .can blood come from mouth even after cat is dead.what could be the reason.how can blood come after death please answer this question.also i found that my cat was not stiff till i disposed her off at 7pm.kindly answer .
Hello Lakshmi
I am so sorry for your loss , this is terrible.
unfortunately sometimes internal injuries can cause bleeding from the mouth and may not be visible from outside.
She may have fallen badly and broken her neck, or she may have been kicked or struck by something. There is also the possibility of poison if that is a problem in your area.
the blood from the mouth can be an indication of internal bleeding which could be caused by either an injury or poisoning i'm afraid.
Again I am so sorry for your loss. It is no ones fault and you should not feel guilty at all. You did everything for your cat, you had her spayed which shows you really oared for her and wanted to take care of her.
Sometimes these things happen, there is no way of protecting yourself or your pets sometimes. Just know that while she was with you, she had love and care.
best wishes kate