Will too much Frontline flea medicine hurt my cats?
by Marie
(Elmore, AL U.S.)
my cat
I gave my cats frontline flea medicine (the kind where you use a syringe and squirt the medicine on the back of the neck) on April 7th and I noticed today that they still have fleas, and I gave them another dose today(April 11th). I know I was suppose to wait a month but they still have fleas. Will it hurt them? The dosage that I gave them was .5 ml Please let me know if this will hurt them, and do I need to call the vet? Also if they still have fleas after this what should I use next? Thanks.
Answer by Kate
often the shop bourght flea treatments don't work as they don't contain a serios enough drug to eradicate the fleas (fleas are tough little critters), As long as your cats are not showing any ill effects from the double dose they should be ok. Check with the padket, sometimes it will say what to do in case of giving too much, if it doesn't then it's probably because it won't harm them.
I would suggest not giving thme any more, waiting afew weeks, keep grooming them especailly around the neck area and then if they still have fleas take them to the vets to be prescibed the real flea medication. thats what we did with our cat as we found the shop ones of no use either.
Comments for Will too much Frontline flea medicine hurt my cats?flea treatment by: Anonymous
HEllo! Last night I found out my kitten had... FLEAS! Oh did I go crazy! Ugh! So I bought a flea shampoo and bathed him and he seemed to have the fleas gone when he dried off and I combed his hair. I then saw he had some left, so I washed a SMALL amt again just in the targeted area. Then I placed a flea repellent collar on him. Tonight... I placed Seargeant Golds Flea drops in his shoulders. Is this TOO much treatment too soon? I don't want him to get sick from the "toxins" even though these are natural, non-odor drops/collar. Please let me know!
ReplyThat is too much treatment in one go and could harm your cat.
My advice is to take the flea collar off. They can be dangerous to some cats and in my experience they don't get rid of fleas that well either. the monthly spot n treatments are much better if you get a quality one.
Please see my pages about flea
treatments for more information.
best wishes Kate
ive been thru it... by: mia
When i first got my cats (2) as kittens from a shelter they both had fleas n i didnt kno it for atleast aweek. N ill tell u it was the worst 3months of my life. With tons of vacuuming n treating my house n my cats- finally was rid of the the fleas. it was the worst!
im scared!
by: mia
I gave my 11lb. Cat 2doses of frontline plus cause i think he licked the 1st dose off. now im worried, how will i know if hes overdosed ? how many hours - can i say - hes
gonna be ok. Plz. Answer!!
ReplyHi try not not worry. All i would say is keep a close eye on him over the next 48 hours. if you see any signs of illness contact your vet.
Flea Treating - not too often!
by: EmVar
I spoke to my vet about this as my cat Jodie has a flea allergy and will pluck herself a bald patch if she gets only one bite, the monthly Front Line only seemed to last 3 weeks (just long enough for Jodie to start looking a bit better) so she was getting bitten again before she was due for her next treatment.
Jodie is a mostly indoors cat but does pop out to relieve herself and for the odd sunbathe.
My vet very strongly advised against treating with Front Line any more frequently than the stated dose. Instead he recommended that we thoroughly treat the house as well as the cat - after 7 hours of vacuuming, moving furniture, vacuuming again and spraying carpets and anything else fabric with a hearty dose of treatment (Sorry I can't remember the name - I bought it from the Vet though), our home was cleaner than it had been in years and we now seem to be flea-free.
Prescription flea treatment by: Gina
I agree with visiting the vet and getting prescription flea treatment. I used Advantage on my cats when I introduced a new kitten, who had fleas, to my household. Since I could not treat the kitten until she was older, I had to treat my adult cats in case they picked up fleas from her. I only had to treat them for three months with the prescription brand (my cats are indoor only.) After that, the fleas were gone and have not come back to this day, even two years later.