worried abouit my cat

by Lynne
(Tacoma, WA)

My 7 month old cat was neutered 2 weeks ago. He has not been 100% since but for the past 4-5 days, he cries when picked up or touched, he is not eating very well, I am bottle feeding formula. He is also having a hard time walking. Any ideas on what I can do??? I just started a new job, don't have a payday for 2 more weeks and can't afford a doctor visit.Any suggestions on what is the matter would be great. I will be back in 2 weeks and make a donation, I promise. Thanks from the bottom of my heart


Anwer by KAte
I'm so sorry to hear that your cat is unwell. unfortunately there is no miracle answer I can give you. It really does sound like your cat may have a nasty infection possibly caused by the operation and he needs to see a vet now.

Don't worry about a donation here just find a way to get him to see a vet as soon as you can.

At 7 months he really should be eating normally and not need bottle feeding at all, so this does suggest that he needs urgent treatment. When a cat stops eating properly it is a definite sign that something is very wrong and needs treatment.

Sorry I bet that was not the answer you were after but sometimes there is only one answer.

i really hope he is better soon

best wishes Kate

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