Worried Mom


My strictly indoor one year old half siamese cat recently ran away. After much tears and searching, we were able to find her about a week later. She has been home for 4 days now, but all she does is sleep. Do you think something could be wrong? She has been eating regularly and using the litterbox. I am nervous she could have caught something from being outside.

Answer by Kate
Firstly, what a stunning cat, i love her.

It may be possible that while she was out that she ate something that may have upset her but i would have thought trhat you would have seen further signs of distress or illness by now if that was the case. in my opnion she is probably just very very tired after her adventure. She probably didn't get much sleep while she was away, as she would have been on constant alert. My own cat after being out all day will sleep and sleep.
As long as she is eating Ok and using her litter tray Ok then i wouldn't worry too much. If you are still concerned in a few days then it wouldn't hurt to have her checked over if it will put your mind at rest. But I wouldn't be surprised if she is her old self again shortly. :)

Comments for Worried Mom

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welcome home
by: Anonymous

You should have some kittens very soon she miggt be pregnant is,she's not fixed..

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