Young Kitten with many problems

by Christi F
(Chillliwack, BC, Canada)

Hi i have a two month old kitten with a bottom I-tooth protruding straight outwards. I checked it and it is not loose. It doesnt seem to be causing him any pain. but im not sure what to do about it. He still seems to be eating his food ok but only soft not hard. My boyfriend foolishly let in a stray cat to play with my kitten a couple days ago when i was not home and i think the cat might have hurt my kitten. He has been crying and hiding his face alot and the only time he stops is when i am holdoing him or he is sleeping. i gave him an at home organ test (felt under his ribs and squished about to see if he was in pain) but he seemed to be fine. I also think the stray may have stratched him in the eye as i woke up the other morning and his eye was shut as in an infection. I had to hold a cloth with saline solution on it to open it. his eye has been fine since then but im still worried since he has not yet had his shots.

I cannot afford to go to the vet at this time so i was wondering if there is anything i can possibly do. I would greatly appreciate it if you would contact me as soon as possible.
thank-you very much

Answer by Kate
Hi Christi, what can I say he really does need to go to the vets as soon as possible. If he has been bitten or scratched by the other cat it is very likely that a nasty infection will occur especially as he is so young and his immune system is not strong enough yet. The only treatment for this is antibiotics, which a vet will be able to prescribe.
See my page here on this site about kitten care for some back ground info.(under the cat care heading)
I hope you can get him to a vet soon for his shots etc, as this will give him the best chance in life to stay healthy. Its always worth checking to see if their any animal charities in your area that can help out with costs etc.
Love the pic he looks like he is going to be a handful. best wishes Kate.

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