young mother with kittens

by jeanine

My cat had kittens the other day only 1 survivied--she has been doing very good all weekend taking care of it until late last nite now she keeps carrying the kitten off to the basement and hiding it behind boxes?? why is she doing this after 4 days--she was fine in her little box, she would contstanly sit there and clean it and feed it and now she's doing this!! i now have her locked upstairs in a bedroom with the kitten so she can't go downstairs. thanks so much for your help


Answer bu Kate
Hi this is normal behavior for a mother cat who is afraid for the safty of her kitten. Mother cats will often move thier litter and hide them if they feel streesed or worried. It sounds like she is simply a little anxious and is trying to protect her kitten. Even though there is nothing for her to worry about it is just an over protective mother thing and is nothing to worry about. She will settle down and gain confidence in time. :)

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